I am apologize for I am came to this issue with no code, but nonetheless I am glad to write this guest intro and say a few words to the Valhalla's readers. Sometime ago I thought that the world has inevitably changed and vxing and non-commercial virus writing are constantly decaying to the complete extinction. When I added a new stuff to the vx.netlux.org and had a feeling that all this is nearly of no use. The old school people go and left the valedictions which stressed the same simple idea - there's nothing to be done. Damn wrong! Though the troubles I faced with the cops in this year ate a lot of my time and frazzled the nerves, it highlighted and made clear for me a lot of important things. There are many people who shows concernment and commitment to what are AV frenemies calling "amateur" virus writing and exchange. Much more than one could think of. I met many people here in Ukraine and talk to many worldwide and after that I realized that it's not the virus writing is dying, but I tried to herd myself into Procrustean bed of false assumptions. When I published the statement on the server's seizure I didn't expected that support will be so wide and from such different sides (even from within law-enforcement forces itself). And now I am no more concerned about the future of virus writing. Personnaly, I wish to greet hh86 and SPTH and other authors who made this issue possible, and to thank all the people who helped me this year, and those who stay persistent and creative in moving the virus technology forward. I hope that soon we all could meet again on the VX Heavens pages. And now I eagerly waiting the release of this issue to see more viral code and ideas as a plentiful source of inspiration for the future releases. If you could enjoy the code the virus writing is alive. See through the trick. WBR herm1t@vx.netlux.org, snowy Kiev, 2012